The Issues
Money In politics
We must take steps to get the corrupting influence of money out of politics. Special interest money is suffocating our democracy and silencing our voices. Public opinion is constantly drowned out by big money in politics and it must be stopped. I will establish the first state-level public campaign finance system in order to make sure people are more important than money.
We must guarantee health care for all Californians. The concept of healthcare as a free market industry does not work. Healthcare should be a right given to all citizens of California, not used as an industry used to gouge patients for profit. I will fight for legislation, such as SB 562, that help expand healthcare to all Californians.
Environmental protection
Environmental damages, such as climate change, are often not immediately noticeable but can have disastrous future impacts. Cutting back usage of fossil fuels and promoting a shift to renewable energies needs to happen now to ensure a bright future.
Criminal justice reform
California must pursue criminal justice reforms that prevent crime and save tax payer money. California prisons and jails hold one of the largest incarcerated populations in the nation, and it is costing tax payers billions. We need to do more to ensure people entering our criminal justice system come out of it equipped with the skills they need to become productive members of the community and not return to a life of crime. I will bring together law enforcement, local businesses, community members, and community organizations to ensure we make reforms that keep us safe and save us money.